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Our Services

If you are from abroad looking for the way to kick off your business in China or if you are from China wondering about how we can help your business flourish overseas, there is virtually no issue that our team has not tackled before.

Tax Services

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Financial Planning

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Audit Defense

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  • Strategy and Implementation
  • Commercial Contracts
  • Company Registration
  • Accounting and Tax
  • Financial Management
  • Governance & Risk Management
  • Business Restructuring
  • M&A Advisory
  • Sourcing Services
  • Distribution & Product Support

Strategy & Implementation

Strategy & Implementation

Market data, statistics and the news often paint a flawed picture on China, which is a highly diverse and huge country. Many overseas China experts actually have not managed a business inside of China. Formulating a successful business strategy for China will require certain key information, applying relevant experience and the willingness to embrace change.

Typical Services
  • Formats: strategy workshop or hourly advice
  • Methods: SWOT assessment; evaluating a company’s DNA, culture and people
  • Methods: evaluate formal and informal business models for best cost benefit ratio
  • Assistance with identifying, negotiating and closing key partnerships and hires
  • “Eyes and ears” on the ground

Commercial Contracts

China’s track record with rule of law is mixed. Multiple layers and arenas exist for various political stakeholders to exert their influence. Decision making and even certain guidelines can be opaque or unclear. Written laws often contain uncertain terms and mechanics, while neither the courts nor legal academics drive the development of case law. This void is best dealt with through detailed provisions in Chinese contracts. Here you need strong insights into the specific commercial issues and how these can be handled in a China contract.
Count on us for:
  • 20+ years contract drafting experience
  • Deep commercial understanding
  • English, Chinese and German drafting
  • Strong in-house counsel’s view
  • Advice on all key Chinese laws
  • 15+ years experience dealing with local governments


Hallo geht das?

  • IRS Representation
  • Entity Selection
  • Payroll Services
  • Estate Tax Preparation


We Keep Everything Organized For You In One Place

  • Budgeting Analysis
  • Benefits & Pension Plans
  • Accounting Services
  • Retirement Planning

Tools & Resources

Use These Tools to Manage Your Own Finances

  • 401k Calculator
  • Retirement Planner
  • Interest Calculator
  • Payroll Deduction Calculator
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Contact Us

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec velit neque, auctor sit amet aliquam vel, ullamcorper sit amet ligula.

(235) 462-3512

1234 Divi St. #1000, San Francisco, CA 93215

M-F: 8am-5pm, S-S: Closed